A Comprehensive Guide to Different Types of Forage Equipment

Dec. 18 2024 Buying Guide By SS Equipment

Whether you're a seasoned farmer or an eager newcomer to the agricultural industry, choosing the right equipment for your farming needs is crucial. This article explores different types of forage equipment and how each can enhance your productivity while preserving the quality of your harvest.

What is Forage Equipment?

Forage equipment are machines designed to assist in the harvesting and preservation of plant materials used for animal feed. They include various machinery—from mowers that can cut down hay or straw, tedders for spreading cut hay, to balers and wrappers that pack and wrap harvested materials into manageable units. Understanding what each tool does will help you make informed decisions about your forage requirements.

Diverse Types: Mowers, Tedders, Rakes

Mowers are fundamental building blocks of any serious agricultural operation. They trim high grasses and crop plants like corn, preparing them for further processing.

Tedders, on the other hand, spread and toss freshly mown crops to ensure efficient drying in the open field. Proper drying is essential as it prevents mold growth that could spoil your entire harvest.

Rakes then group these dried crops together into rows readying them for the baling process. They allow easy pickup by balers hence saving time and ensuring a comprehensive cleanup.

Fascinating Evolution: Balers 

Balers come in various types—round balers create cylindrical bundles while square balers produce relatively easier-to-handle rectangular ones. Their core functionality remains unvaried though—compressing cut crops into compact bales that can be easily stored or transported.


After the baling process is completed, wrappers play their crucial role by sealing bales under layers of protective plastic film which helps preserve hay quality during storage by creating an anaerobic environment favorable for the fermentation process.

We at SS Equipment, located in Oregon and Washington, are always thrilled to support you. With an extensive range of top-grade equipment, we aspire to cover all your farming essentials under one roof. Feel free to pay us a visit; together let’s cultivate success on your farmland!