As a farmer, you're tough, and you almost have to be in order to make it in your industry. However, you're also human, and very much like every other human in the world, staying cool while in the sun is necessary to remain healthy and active. This is especially true if you live in the Oregon and Washington area where you may not be used to intense summers.

We at SS Equipment understand this, and the following includes a few of the best ways to keep cool while farming.

Dress the Part

If you live in the Oregon and Washington area, you may not have the most summer clothing at the ready, but when it is hot, you need to dress the part accordingly. Consider wearing jeans that are not only going to allow you to move around and finish your tasks but that also allow your body to breathe. In terms of upper wear clothing, sometimes a cutoff sleeve shirt may not be the best route to take. Instead, utilize a long sleeve shirt made out of breathable fabric. This will allow you to both protect your skin from the sun and get some air.

Choose the Right Type of Equipment

You may think that the sun isn't going to be too harmful if you're just riding your farming equipment. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Even if you're just driving, having farming equipment that comes with a roof is necessary. Look for farm equipment for sale in Washington that can provide you protection from the sun during those long working days.

Take Frequent Breaks

Just because you're built tough doesn't mean you can or should work nonstop. That is why one of the best ways to keep cool is to take breaks often. This means going into an air-conditioned building or simply stopping to get some water. If you're out deep on your property, find a large tree to park your vehicle under and spend a few minutes out of the sun.

Know the Symptoms of Heat-Related Illnesses

Perhaps the most important things to know is the symptoms of the various heat-related illnesses. These include illnesses such as heat stroke, exhaustion, and cramps. A heat stroke is one of the most serious, and it occurs when the body can no longer regulate its temperature; call 911 immediately if you suspect you're having a heat stroke. Heat exhaustion will occur when you are severely dehydrated. Get ahold of water immediately and phone a friend or 911. Lastly are heat cramps. Heat cramps will occur when your body has sweated too much. The best thing you can do in this situation is to seek water or a sports drink.

At SS Equipment, we want you to be safe while working on your property. If you have further questions regarding farming safety or want to look at our latest inventory selection, you can visit us at one of our locations in Oregon and Washington.