Connect, simplify, and streamline your entire farm operation with Farmer Core. Trimble’s Farmer Core software complements your existing Trimble system to manage precision farming data and simplify display setup to capture the most value from every acre.
Farmer Core is powered by AutoSync™, a new and innovative feature that runs in the background to automatically sync all guidance lines, field names, boundaries, materials, implements, vehicles, and operator information across all connected devices.
Simplify Farm SetupCreate client/farm/field names, import or draw field boundaries, and set up materials manually or by using a pre-built list of chemicals and seeds.
Streamline Farm OperationsManage precision farming data from Trimble displays and other sources via API, keeping all of your guidance lines, field names, materials, and machine information in one place.
Improve Reliability of Farm RecordsAutomatically create field records based on data collected with your precision farming display to generate an easy-to-understand profitability analysis for each field